Author: Gennady Degterev

Building REST API with Swagger

Swagger is one of the most popular specifications for developing APIs on the market right now. There are different ways how to work with it. I’ll describe my practical experience. Code generation By this...

Apache camel shared datasource

This short comment intends to explain the usage of HSQLDB as a shared data source for Apache camel using camel-blueprint. As a result, any possible camel routes can be linked to the created shared data source....

Java 8 – Reading a file as String

There are a lot of examples how to read a file content in Java 8. The most common one is

Use always a charset with String to Byte array transformations and vice versa...

Travelling salesman algorithm in Java Fork/Join Framework

CostX and CostY – are the axle weight. E.g .: maximum axis velocity of the robot. An edge is calculated by the TSPAction class. The recursive function returns no results , so TSPAction...

Directory stream with Java 8 lambda

Short snippet how to leave 100 newest text files in directory and delete others with help of Java 8 lambda.